Image with Past, Present and Future check boxes

Is an initial Background Check good enough to protect you?

In an effort to reduce risk in the workplace, some organizations choose to conduct periodic background checks on their workers. This means the pre-employment screening process doesn’t stop at the front door. It continues periodically throughout the term of employment. Organizations that decide to conduct periodic background checks on employees often do so randomly, quarterly […]

Woman throwing dice that have the words Yes and No on them.

Is Your Vendor Putting You at Risk by Violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act?

Vetting a vendor who performs employment screening is important. This is particularly true when entering into a contractual agreement or being part of a buyout where a new company requires you to use their current vendor. Assuming the employment screening vendor is following FCRA regulations can be a mistake. To help protect your company, here […]

Horse saddles sitting on a fence

Criminal Records – What’s Fair Game In Texas Hiring?

A periodic review of your hiring policies is never a bad idea, especially when it comes to ensuring compliance with the applicable laws. If your business is just starting up an employment screening program, then being informed about and adhering to the following hiring laws is even more crucial. A couple to be aware of […]

Boy with glasses and question marks

Want to Find A Better Candidate? Ask Better Questions

You’ve found a great candidate on paper and maybe even had a brief phone conversation. Now it’s time for the face to face, or screen to screen, and you’re wishing you had some better quality interview questions. Sure what you have will work, if you’re goal is to hear the sound of this applicant’s voice. […]


Hallmarks Of A Quality Background Check Provider

When designing a background check program for your company it’s beneficial to understand the various components involved. Our previous posts have covered a lot of these topics such as: building a quality program, determining role-specific requirements and being aware of potential speed bumps in the screening process. Now we’ll go over the most important part; […]

Backgrounds for Rehiring

Did You Cover Everything in Your Rehiring Plan? Here’s Your Check List!

Creating a rehiring plan with so many things to consider can be overwhelming.  We wanted to find a comprehensive check list to make it a little easier for you!  Here’s a quick guide which covers just about everything.  A few highlights to keep in mind as you create your new policies are: updated I-9 forms, […]