
Creating a Talent Pipeline Today For Your Hiring Tomorrow

If you are not hiring at the moment, but you want a full pipeline of candidates to choose from once your business is ready, then you need to read this. Knowing how many potential candidates are currently available but not being able to take advantage of the opportunity presents a frustrating scenario. However, if you […]

Horse saddles sitting on a fence

Ban the Box in Texas? You Better Saddle Up

While Ban the Box legislation isn’t new, the sentiment continues to gain momentum. For those not aware of the term “Ban the Box”, it is an effort to limit questions about a person’s criminal history during the hiring process. While there has been a peppering of state, local and federal laws throughout the country, Texas […]


Virtual Career Fairs…HR’s Toolkit Grows

As a Hiring Professional if you hear the term “virtual career fair”, and several roadblocks immediately pop into your mind, you’re probably not alone. While there are some companies who are either currently or have recently begun using this technology, most haven’t considered adding this incredibly undervalued tool to their talent acquisition kit.   If […]


How is HR’s new plan for the company shaping up? Here’s a forward-thinking strategy for success

There are so many considerations when modifying the workplace in a post-Covid-19 world, but can we even call it “post” yet?  HR professionals having to perform normal work functions while managing a new structural dynamic is an unbelievable amount of responsibility.  It’s almost impossible to think of everything, as change is moment to moment.  If […]


Connected to the office but feeling remote? Time for a virtual engagement task force!

One of the things sure to come out of the new normal is remote working being more commonplace.  Sure it existed before, but in many organizations the “will this work for us” question has been answered.  And they’re not going back to the traditional office setting, at least not for everyone.  One factor missing from […]


Desperate Times, Desperate Candidates

While many companies are struggling to retain employees, others are facing a whole new situation, a surplus of candidates.  While an uptick in talent is typically a positive in the recruiting world, since more talent means more to choose from, the current situation has created a bit of a quandary.  Although the market is now […]